How severe the infection can be in people with diabetes ?

COVID-19 infection is a double challenge for people with diabetes. Diabetes are at increased risk of infections including influenza and other complications such as secondary bacterial

It is due to the poor glycaemic control which in turn impairs several aspects of the immune response to viral infection & also to the potential bacterial secondary infection in the lungs.

What to do if there is a chance of infection?

If a person has fever with cough or trouble breathing,they should call their doctor or nurse for advice.

If the person is advised to go to the clinic or hospital, they will need to put on a face mask.

There is currently no specific treatment for COVID-19, but since the majority of cases are mild,only a limited amount of people will require hospitalization for supportive care.

However, it is essential that people affected and those that they have been in contact with are identified and
 isolated for a couple of weeks, to avoid the further spread of the virus.

Thus patients with diabetes need intensive care & attention to reduce the risk of complications.

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